Next time you’re faced with a problem, instead of dwelling on it, try doing something fun that lifts your spirits. Trust that the solution is already on its way and will come to you when the time is right. When we focus too much on our problems, they can feel bigger than they are. But when we create space and let go, we often find that the answers flow in naturally.
Shopkeeper's Journal
Loaded Sweet Potatoes
Molly made us dinner recently and it was bloody delicious! Here is the recipe, enjoy!
Kathleen's "throw together" Beetroot, Feta & Spinach Pie
A lovely friend dropped by with some fresh veggies and eggs from her garden so I couldn’t resist making her “throw together” meal, beetroot, spinach and feta pie. It was...
Gluten-Free Almond and Coconut Cake By Lucy from Bake, Play, Smile
This delicious cake recipe was shared by a dear reader, Shirley, so of course I had to bake it and share it with you all too!
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